Forbidden Woods

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Forbidden Woods

In my last play-through of Wind Waker, I caught something I had missed in the past from one of the Koroks in the Forest Haven about the dungeon, the korok mentioned that the Forbidden Woods used to be their home, and that the hollowed out stumps used to be their homes. Do you think you’ll do an analysis of the forest haven and the forbidden woods? I love reading your work.
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Re: Forbidden Woods

Hey, Ausgood1, and thanks for the message. I don't know if I will or not; I am definitely interested in looking into this, though I would likely just add an addendum onto a preexisting article (probably the Wind Temple, as there seem to be some similarities there). I'm always a little skeptical to do such natural, organic places, as there isn't much to go on, but I'll certainly take a trip there in the future. I will definitely let you know if I do, and thanks for the information!
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Re: Forbidden Woods

That is indeed the case.  If you pay attention, you'll see that the Kokiri houses are mingled into the dungeon, usually containing key items or are enclosed.  Even the door symbols are akin to the kokiri symbol found on the kokiri shield of ocarina of time.  It's a lovely reference.