Link's Awakening Remastered

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Link's Awakening Remastered

Just in case you haven't seen this:

The art style is off-putting to a few of my friends, but I, for one, find it rather enchanting. It's reminiscent of claymation, which is a strike at my nostalgia. (For those of you that haven't played the original 1993 version, I highly recommend doing so. There's a DX version for the 3DS.)

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Re: Link's Awakening Remastered

I don't understand the backlash and scepticism that the art style garnered from fans. It reminds me of the days when people ripped on Wind Waker for being too cartoony (which, by the way, has become my favourite Zelda game of all time).

Link's Awakening Remastered is beautifully done, in my opinion. I enjoyed the original, but it's tedious to play by today's standards. The remaster did a great job of making small improvements to the mechanics and menus so things play a lot smoother, while still retaining the very core of the game and all of its charm. Link's beady little eyes just add to that charm.
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Re: Link's Awakening Remastered

Yeah, people still like to cavil about the "Cat-Eye Link" era of Zelda animation, and while it's not my favorite (I've always been partial to the grittier ones like Twilight Princess) art style, it's light and airy and fun, and I can appreciate that. It's probably good that Nintendo's experimented with so many artistic worlds for the series. But I don't get the backlash, either; Link's Awakening is meant to be a feverish dream, and the vividness of the remaster gave to the game the dreamlike quality I felt it deserved. I played the original not too long ago, and didn't find the game mechanics that tiresome; granted, there are always things to be tweaked when games are brought into modernity. The menus in the remastered version are actually works of art; I remember commenting on them to some friends. But I like small details like that. (Even Link's dead, squaloid eyes.)
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